Everything begins today, right now.
And then it ends, and begins again and then ends.
That's life.
We try to hold on to the moment, to cultivate a feeling of permanence, but the truth is impermanence is the order of the day. Nothing stands still. Nothing is static. Motion cannot be stopped.
So what? How does that affect my life and your life. Who cares?
I care and you should to, because the idea of permanence gets us into trouble. We become attached to things like a child is to his teddy. We become attached to people and places and titles and roles and money and fame and friends and jobs and fans and....we are afraid of the inevitable change that may cause us to lose something we love.
That's understandable. We've all had those moments we wish we could capture in a bottle and keep by our bedsides each night. Maybe it was a feeling of happiness that made time seem to stand still or a moment when we felt so free we swore our feet lifted a few inches above the ground. But the moment did not last. Change came sweeping through like a gust of wind.
How are we to feel secure and hopeful in a world where everything changes moment to moment? Where is peace and happiness in such a world? Where do we go to find undisturbed tranquility? Can there ever be heaven on earth when minds are constantly changing, searching, and restless? And yet the great gurus of history have told us life on earth can be peaceful, that all wars can end, that we can live in perpetual happiness. But how can this be when change is an incontrovertible law of existence?
We must be detached. That can be the only solution to change. Life is a process, a constant flow of reality from one thing to the next. Atoms are indeed restless. Everything is vibrating. The world - the universe! - is one big ball of bustling energy. If you doubt this, try right now to stop something - anything - from changing.
This moment is not this moment; it is indeed the only moment! Whooah, what a strange thing to say. I know. I thought it was strange as soon as I wrote it, but somehow I know it is true. Everything that has happened or will happen is connected to this eternal moment. Everyone and everything is connected to me and you. You and I are connected to every star in the heaven, every distant galaxy and swirling light in the sky. My God, if this is true - which I feel it is - then everything begins and ends NOW!
On a practical level, this can be very helpful. Too often in life we feel trapped like a wild animal who has been caged by his captors. We try something that doesn't work, and then give up. We are inspired to do something meaningful, but put it aside because we fear it will not pan out. But if we truly understood that everything begins and ends NOW, we could live freely without fear of change or failure! Rightly understood, failure is nothing more than giving up and becoming attached to an experience that has ended. The person who keeps on trying can never fail because she will always have the chance to begin anew.
Nothing is permanent anyway so why not flow with the process of change rather than live in fear of what might happen. One thing we know for sure is that everything we become attached to will change.
Live free. Explore your passions. Dance through life as though every sound, every movement and vibration is a melody that rings sweetly in your ear. Change cannot be stopped, but so what! You can be anything you decide to be, can accomplish any goal and achieve any feet. But don't hold on to any of it. Don't become attached. Let if flow, as it must. Enjoy the moment, but keep your gaze fixed forward as the next wave of experience comes your way. The secret to a happy and successful life is to cultivate your inner gifts and then give them away everyday without any sense of attachment. Give your life away and life, in a circular flow of energy, will return those gifts to you ten fold!
Everything begins today!
About the author: Deshon Fox is the author of The Middle Theory, a gifted speaker, businessman and blogger. To learn more about The Middle Theory visit www.themiddletheory.com
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