Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Elements of Happiness


I've finally given in to my urge to blog! I am glad you have joined me. This will be a wonderful and fun experience. We will learn new things about what's most important: love, family, friendship, happiness, peace (both inner and outer), God, hope and much more. Our blueprint will be The Middle Theory, my first published work. Writing this book changed my life; indeed, it may be truer that I wrote The Middle Theory because I was changed in an instant 10 years ago when I had an incredible spiritual experience - the kind of experience that you read about, but never imagine will happen to you.

And so we are here together....thank you. Thank you too to those who have read The Middle Theory or are reading it now. No doubt your awareness has expanded and your vision of reality - a reality that always holds the potential for balance - is clearer. The e-mails I am receiving from around the world never fail to buoy my spirits.

So let us begin.....

What is happiness?

How do we achieve this sought-after condition?

Once achieved, how do we make it last?

These are arguably the three most important questions we can ever ask. Some would argue that they are also the three most difficult questions to answer. What if we really knew the answers to these questions? How might our lives change? The Middle Theory provides a simple answer to the first question:

Happiness is the reward for utilizing the force of love to create peace; there can be no greater reward.

It is possible that you have never thought of happiness as a reward. It is also very likely that you have never before connected happiness with the utilization of the force of love. Love, a force? OK, let's take a closer look at this piece of wisdom. What is really being said?

Happiness, as we all know, is a condition of being. When we are truly happy, we not only feel happy, but we are happy. Feelings are as fickle as the wind. One stubbed toe can cause us to go from feeling swell to feeling angry or frustrated in an instant. When we are happy our being - our motivations, perceptions, emotions....our awareness - achieves a condition of balance. We may not feel happy in every instant, but as long as our outlook is positive and our aspirations motivate us to be consistently honest, caring, and compassionate, we will be happy.

Feeling happy is not the same as being happy, as I just illustrated; however, when we are happy, we usually feel happy happy as well.

If you don't feel happy at this moment - perhaps you haven't felt truly happy in a while - ask yourself, how am I being at this very moment? Am I utilizing the force of my being (my thoughts and actions) to nurture peace within myself and around me? Are my thoughts positive and uplifting? What about my actions? Are they loving, gentle, and sincere? In answering these questions, we can increase our awareness of our state of being and thereby gain insight into the cause of our feeling of unhappiness. Remember, you are never unhappy because of what you are doing, but because of who you are being. When we understand this universal truth, we can advance towards deeper states of balanced awareness; in the process we "receive" the reward of happiness.

A quick note about the use of the word reward in the earlier quote from The Middle Theory. Generally speaking, a reward is something given or received in return for a service rendered. This definition has application here. From now on, think of happiness as the gift life freely gives us when we consistently use the energy of our beings to manifest the attributes of love - patience, humility, inner balance, harmony, fairness, and so on- within ourselves and within the world around us. There can truly be no more precious gift than this.

I will continue in my next blog to answer the second question posed earlier. My third blog will be an answer to the third question.

Again, thank you for joining me on this journey of awakening.....


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